Sex Work Stories: My Weirdest Client
TW: Sex work, sexuality, drugs.
I never talk in detail about my clients in my writing I do on this website because their anonymity is important for me and I care so much about them. Therefore, in this story, there will be no way of identifying the man or the woman and that I will even modify some details to assure this. This is the story of my weirdest booking in four years of sex work.
This took place when I was still working in an agency in Montreal. I received a text from the booker telling me that a couple wanted me for a threesome at their five-star hotel. I was so excited! I never was a high-volume sex worker, I had maybe one or two clients per week. During my time with the agency, I could even spend a week with zero clients. A threesome was a bit more money than a one-on-one session, plus my bisexuality ass was absolutely pleased with having a woman choosing me to realize her fantasies. I dressed up (I was in my pajamas, chances were I was eating pasta) and put on a pretty face before I jumped in the Uber in direction of one of the luxurious Montreal’s downtown hotels.
When I arrived, I looked for the room number the booker sent me and realized that it was a suite. I never went to a suite before! I knocked.
The client was naked and welcomed me with a big smile, his girlfriend was smoking on the bed and there was porn on the TV. I entered the room, a bit unsettled by the adult movie but I had seen worst before. The client gave me my money and I started to chat with them, as I always do. But the client had another idea in mind about how the booking would unfold. He started to fill the bathtub (there was a bathtub in the middle of the bedroom!) and asked his girlfriend to undress. He was very polite but there was something off-putting about him. He had these big crazy eyes. We took a bath together, the three of us. The woman was talking a lot and smoking even more. She was gorgeous. I felt proud that out of all the girls at the agency, she chose me. My goal, as it is always the case during a threesome with couples, was to please the woman more than the man. I wanted to make her feel beautiful and comfortable. I asked questions about their relationship and I learned that they were not a couple but friends with benefits. They started to make jokes about their relationship and pick a fake fight, just for a laugh. They sounded like an old couple and it was so cute. The man took a lot of leadership during the session, he was ordering us around the bedroom. I understood that this threesome was more of his idea than her idea. It is after the bath and a glass of champagne that things began to really get odd.
The client started to talk. Not to me, not to his friend. He was talking out loud about stuff, about his life and about his problems. He told us to place ourselves on the bed in very precise manners, he wanted to be able to see the tv at any times while the three of us were having sex. I was thinking to myself: is it filmed? Why is the woman so quiet suddenly? What the fuck? The sex was stupid. Yeah, you read it right. It was STUPID. He wanted to try every position, changed condoms at least ten times and insist in wearing a vibrator cock ring during all of the intercourse. He was losing his erection because of all those breaks during change of positions that himself wanted. I was trying to calm him, trying to play a bit of my girl-next-door charm to make him chill about his porn scenario but it was pointless. At one point, it was almost times up so I said I had to take a shower. The woman said she was coming with me.
The girl made sure the guy couldn’t hear us and told me that she was relieved that her booking was almost over. This is when I learned that not only was she not his girlfriend like I initially thought, but she was also an escort. Like me she never met this client before. I was shocked. They were acting all along! They were not long-time fuck friends. This is when I realized that the off tone of the guy when he answered my questions had a simple explanation: it was all bull shit since the beginning. He wasn’t from the US, it wasn’t the first time he was doing a threesome and he never met this girl before. I had no words. The other sex worker gave me her card and told me that she felt safe with me and that she would contact me if she had duo requests in the future. She then left and I had 15 minutes left with the client, alone.
Guess what? The client started to talk shit about the girl that just left. He was calling her names and told me how disappointed he was in her services and how she smoked cigarettes in his hotel room. At this point, I felt like I was in a Twilight Zone episode. He then offered me cocaine, I declined. He wanted to pay me for more time, I declined. In front of me, he called my agency and complained about me because I didn’t want to stay and he ended up booking another girl for later. He tipped me 200$ in the top of my fee and I left.
Needless to say, I never saw this client again and I still can’t believe that this really happened. It wasn’t the sex or his demands that put him in my top tier weirdest client list but his way of talking plus the false fuck friend thing. So here it is, the story of my weirdest client!